ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > Joint Replacements

Joint Replacements

20 de July 2018


Sometimes, whether due to wear, disease, or accidents, the joints require an artificial replacement so that the body continues to work properly and mobility is recovered to have a better quality of life.

Replacements and procedures

There are several types of joint replacements. The most common are hips, knees, and shoulders. There is a wide variety of prostheses and, depending on the case, the patient’s treatment is personalized to select the most appropriate implant.

There are complete protocols for the management of these patients, both before surgery and during it, hospital time, and the rehabilitation process. Tests are performed previously to assess the patient’s general condition, detect diseases or alterations that can be corrected before replacement, in order for the patient to be in optimal conditions for the procedure.

The surgery itself is the last resort, generally trying to treat with physical therapy or medication first. When the pain becomes severe and interferes with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, getting in and out of a car, going up and down the stairs, the ability to walk is decreased or limited by pain, it is time to indicate some kind of replacement.

There are a wide variety of materials for these procedures like metal alloys, among which are titanium, chrome cobalt, stainless steel, ceramic-type materials, and plastics, such as polyethylene.

At the ABC Orthopedics and Traumatology Center, we have state-of-the-art technology and facilities with highly trained medical, nursing, and therapist staff for the patients’ well-being. In addition, much emphasis is placed on the care that the patient must have both during their hospital recovery and later.

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