Privacy Notice – Clinical Services

Privacy Notice
for Patients

Identification of the responsible party

The American British Cowdray Medical Center, I.A.P. (“Centro Médico ABC”), the responsible party for purposes of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its regulatory provisions (the “Data Law”), with address at Sur 136 number 116, Colonia Las Americas, Álvaro Obregón, CP 01120, Mexico City, informs you that it will treat the personal data that it collects from you with the following:


 Provide you with the medical care you require in accordance with the Contract for the Provision of Hospital Services, as well as the policies, procedures, protocols, and other institutional regulations of Centro Médico ABC. 

– Incorporate your data into our patient care databases. 

– Integrate your clinical record. 

– Share your data with your treating doctor and consultation doctors indicated by your treating doctor, who are independent professionals of Centro Médico ABC and who have assumed responsibility for your diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.

-Share information and documentation of the medical care provided to you, with third-party payers in general, for the payment of the services of Centro Médico ABC. 

– Upload to the Results Consultation system, the results of your Laboratory and/or Radiology and Molecular Imaging studies, which you can check with the username and password that will be provided for this purpose, you can also receive them via email to the email address that you provided in the Contract for the Provision of Hospital Services or that you provide in any other subsequent. 

– To comply with the requirements of the competent authority.

Secondary purposes

– Use your data for statistical purposes, to improve care, academic and/or research processes, for which care will be taken that you cannot be identified.

– Provide your family and friends who request it, information about the room number in which you are hospitalized.

– Share with representatives or volunteers of your religious community, information about your name and the room number in which you are hospitalized, so that you can receive spiritual support during your stay at this Medical Center.

– Share information and documentation of the medical care that is provided, for the purpose of paying the fees of your treating doctor and consultation doctors, either directly with said doctors or with the legal entity in charge of handling and collecting said medical fees.

Advertising purposes

Your personal contact data (address, telephone and/or email) may be used to send you information about promotions and the characteristics of the services offered by Centro Médico ABC, mainly, including where appropriate, information about your healthcare projects.     

If you do not want to receive any type of information in this regard or that your data is not used for any of the secondary purposes, we ask you to inform this Medical Center by sending an email to a

Video surveillance

Inside the facilities of Centro Médico ABC there are security video cameras, which can capture images and/or video of the activities carried out in common areas for your safety and that of the people who visit us and work in said facilities.

Personal data

To achieve the aforementioned purposes, the following personal data will be processed: full name, address, telephone, email, marital status, age, sex, nationality, date of birth, name, address, and telephone number of a family member that you designate as a responsible family member and with whom we can contact in case of emergency; where applicable, your policy number and other information related to your medical insurance. In some services, photographs or videos will also be taken that will be integrated into your medical record, in order to keep a record of your evolution or treatment.

Financial data

For the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, if necessary, the following financial data will be collected: bank account data and tax data. In the event that you make the payment of services by check, we inform you that it may be transferred to any natural or legal person with whom Centro Médico ABC has entered into a contract for the provision of support services and check transaction.

Sensitive personal data

In order to provide medical-hospital care and in accordance with the applicable health legislation, the sensitive personal data required for this purpose will be requested: religion, current health status, past and present conditions, family history, symptoms, relevant pathological history, health history, and in some cases, when it is required for your adequate medical care, sensitive personal data such as your sexual preference and genetic information may also be processed (the latter data, for clinical diagnostic studies that you or your treating physician have requested).

Privacy committee

Through the Privacy Committee, you may request the exercise of your ARCO Rights, which consist of access to your personal data, its rectification, cancellation, or opposition to its treatment for specific purposes, as well as for the revocation of the consent granted for the processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law; the Privacy Committee being in charge of following up on your request and giving you a response. This Committee will also carry out requests that you make to limit the use or disclosure of your data. For this purpose, we allow ourselves to provide you with the email of the Privacy Committee of Centro Médico ABC:

ARCO procedure and revocation of consent

For the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or the revocation of your consent for the processing of your personal data by Centro Médico ABC, we would appreciate submitting a request (“Request for the Exercise of ARCO Rights”) to the Privacy Committee, by email, accompanying the following information: 

  1. Name and contact information such as full address (street, interior and/or exterior number, neighborhood, zip code, city, and state) and/or email;
  2. Identification that proves your personality (voting credential, valid passport, professional identification, or immigration document).
  3. In the event that the owner is not the one who submits the request, the document that proves the existence of the representation, that is, a public instrument or power of attorney signed before two witnesses, together with identification of the owner, the representative, and the witnesses (voting credential, valid passport, professional identity card, or immigration document).

Notes: – In the case of minors, the documents to prove their legal representation will be: birth certificate and credential with the minor’s photograph (the one granted by the academic institution where they attend), IMSS credential, valid passport , or any other that has a photograph of the child;

– In the case of interdiction, the documents to prove legal representation will be: interdiction document and credential with a photograph of the person who holds this legal situation, either voting credential, valid passport, professional identity card, or immigration document.

  1. A clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights, which is the right to exercise and the reasons why you wish to exercise them;
  2. Any document or information that proves that your personal data is owned by Centro Medico ABC;
  3. In case of requesting a data rectification, please also indicate the modifications to be made, providing the documentation that supports your request.

The Privacy Committee has at its disposal the formats that are recommended for the exercise of ARCO Rights, so the one corresponding to your request will be provided at the time you request it from the Committee, by any means. The Committee will respond to your Request by email or personally, on the Sixth Floor of the Administrative Tower of Centro Médico ABC, located on Calle de Artificios No. 40, Col Acueducto, Álvaro Obregón, CP 01120, Mexico City. In accordance with the Law, there is a term of 20 (twenty) business days from your request, to inform you if your request is appropriate and, if it is, you have 15 (fifteen) business days to make the ARCO Law effective. Responses can be sent via email or delivered in person. The Privacy Committee may request additional information or documentation, as well as the collation of the documents that support your request, within five (5) business days after receiving it and, in the event that there is no response to said request within 10 (ten) business days after it has been issued, the request will be deemed not submitted.

To make the ARCO Right effective, the term may be extended only once for an equal period if necessary, which will be made known to you.

Centro Medico ABC may deny the exercise of ARCO Rights, in the following cases:

– When the applicant is not the owner of the personal data, or cannot prove the representation of the owner;

– When your personal data does not appear in the Centro Medico ABC database;

– When the rights of a third party are violated;

– When there is a legal impediment or the resolution of a competent authority that restricts your ARCO Rights;

– In the event of cancellation, when personal data is processed for prevention or for medical diagnosis or management of health services; and,

– When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made.

The Refusal may be partial, in which case Centro Médico ABC will make the access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in the appropriate part.

The exercise of the “ARCO Rights” will be free, but in the event that two or more requests are submitted in a period of less than twelve months, the Medical Center may charge for the issuance of copies of documents. In the event that the Applicant requires the certification of documents, it must previously make the corresponding payment in accordance with the indications made known to it for this purpose. The applicant must cover the justified shipping costs or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats.


We inform you that your personal data may be transferred within and outside the country, in a manner consistent with the purpose of data processing and the legal nature of the relationship between you and Centro Médico ABC, to insurance companies with whom you have contracted a policy, to third party payers for the corresponding payment purposes; to friends and family who request the room number in the Reception area so that they can visit you and to the representatives and/or volunteers of the religious community to which you belong, as long as you authorize and/or request spiritual assistance in the Public Service area.

Use of tracking technologies on our website or on our social media:

We inform you that Centro Médico ABC uses Cookies on its website, as well as on its social media, which are only associated with an anonymous User and their computer, so they do not provide references that allow the User’s name to be deduced. The “cookies” of Centro Médico ABC cannot read data from your hard drive or read cookie files created by other providers. The use of “cookie” technology allows Centro Médico ABC to recognize registered Users after they have registered for the first time, without having to register at each visit to access the areas and services exclusively reserved to them. The User has the possibility of configuring its browser to be notified on the screen of the receipt of “cookies” and to prevent their installation on its hard drive. Please, consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information. To use the Service, it is not necessary for the User to allow the installation of the “cookies” sent by Centro Médico ABC, subject to the fact that in this case it will be necessary for the User to register each time they access the Service.

Modifications to the Privacy Notice:

Centro Médico ABC reserves the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice at any time, which will be made known personally or by publishing a notice in a visible place and or on the website

The Privacy Committee of Centro Médico ABC will immediately notify you of any breach of security that occurs in any phase of the processing of your personal data that significantly affects your economic or moral rights, by email or phone call, and you will be asked for an appointment to explain what happened so that you can take the measures you consider necessary to defend your rights. 


In the event that you wish to revoke or deny your consent for your personal data to be used for secondary purposes, we ask you to let us know through the email, within a period of five business days.

Update: August 2020.